torsdag den 28. april 2016

Mother's Day

I made a card for mothers day. My mother loves sewing and she is so good at it. So when I saw the scissors die from Marianne Design, I had to buy it.

The paper is from Maya Design, the leaves from Cherry Lynn "Flourish Leaf Strip", tag from Sizzix Tim Holtz and the ribbon and buttons I got from my mom a long time ago.

The card is for these challenges:, No. 228, Mothers day ("Flourish Leaf Strip")

lørdag den 16. april 2016

Trust your crazy ideas

I made a mixed media tag with Tim Holtz' Crazy Birds.

The card is for the challenge at Card and Scrap, no 116, "Use tags".

søndag den 3. april 2016

Clear bright colors

"We Can see clearly" is the theme at the monday challenge at Simon Says stamp. It's ok to use imagination and think of a different meaning.

I chose to "see clearly colors" and came up with this card with Tim Holtz' Crazy Birds, which I'm crazy about. 

A big day

Soon we are celebrating a good friend of the family, and for her I made this card.
I participate in the wednesday challenge at Simons Says Stamp - Anyhing goes with this card.

Et lille restekort

En gang imellem laver jeg små kort, som kan bindes ved en buket blomster en æske chokolade.
Da jeg så udfordringen hos, som netop går på brug af rester og, hvor udfordringen er "små kort", ja så var jeg nødt til at kaste mig over mine mange små rester. Så dejligt at få noget nyttigt ud af dem.
Kortet her er 7x7 cm og der er udelukkende brugt rester fra restekassen.